If our behavior is intended to get our needs met, and our feelings are the result of our needs being met or unmet, then understanding what those needs are is the key to changing the behavior. Understanding why we do what we do does not dismiss or justify bad behavior. The more we understand our intentions and our needs, the more power we have to find and implement healthy ways of communicating and getting those needs met.
Dear Anger,
I hear you…
I hear you when you feel the need to scream, insult, demand and criticize. I see your need to feel heard and feel like you matter; feel like what you say matters; feel like your existence matters. When your volume increases, I see your need to be seen, heard and acknowledged.
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It really gets me thinking and drives home the fact that we never really know what is going on in other people’s lives. Why would anyone decide that committing suicide is the BEST or ONLY option?
This post is not about statistics, depression or suicide. It is about society and how we seem to act towards one another. I have been doing a bit of research on Lee Thompson Young, trying to find answers to the question, “WHY would he commit suicide?” I will admit that I too have fallen into the trap of “but things looked as if they were going so well for him.” His show, TNT’s Rizzoli and Isles, was picked up for a 5th season just a few days prior to his death, and the articles I read suggested that he was happy with his career. So the question of “why” continues to run through my mind.
The real question is why does the answer to “why” matter? Yes, it does often times bring some closure. BUT at the same time, it brings up a number of other questions and feelings associated with the answer.
For many, this time of year is very stressful. We jump around from event to event, while also struggling to juggle everyday life. Among other things, we may have to see people we may not get along with; we may be pressured to spend money we do not have; and we may have to find the time, in an already packed schedule, to go from store to store looking for the perfect gift. By the time January comes around, we are so disoriented from the chaos that the last six weeks seem like a blur.
So I ask you… If we really stop to look, how is this different from everyday life?
Coming Soon
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